[ 3~8· ] I and fad Dilfentions, engaged Biih~p Guning and you in the Opinions you .took up : And no doubt I · but the Confciencious ·part ofthe Learned;andRe.. ligious Papifis are fixed by the fame Motives in ·their way : I may fay [ fixed and very confident, , or elfe they durfr not carry it on as they have done inFrance and all other Popi!h Countreys. Arid I can fay that I have not fixed on the denial ofaHu– mane Univerfal Jurifdittion, without thinking fe– rioufly Forty years ofwhat I could find faid for it as well as againfr it .; nor orit of an inclination to any contrary extreme : Could I have found but al)Y Human~capacity in One or Many . for ·fuch a Soveraignry, Legiflative and Judicial, and but a· poffibility of fuch a thing, and any' .probability , that it was·of Chrifis Infiitution, the Love of U– nity, and Hatred ofUnrulinefs and .Divifions, and their EffeCts had long ~go made me ahot defen·der ..of it. But the contr--ary , Truth~ had contrary EffeCts. · · § 3. That you may not ~hink that I difter from' you more than I do, I .here premife, I. That I . doubt not but that the Univerfal ~hurch vifible is One Body or Society'of profelfed rChrifiians: As . the Univerfal Church as Regenerate and Spiritual is One Body of fincere Chrifiians. · II. That the Unity arid Concord of it as Pro.; fefiors, and as fincere, mull: be maintained td the , utmofi: of our power by all due lawful mean~. Ill. That a wife Correfpondency becvveen all thofe Churches, which by nearnefs are capable of Acquaintance and Communication is adue means topreferve their Love and Concord./ ' IV. J:'hat feafonable and duly chofen Synods of inany conjuqct that live within the reach of f9_ch . , ·- ;\cquan~ I .