.., [ 348 ] ·3: It is known that moll of the Chrifliari World at this day have no fmall \humber of Er· rors ;' the Greeks, Mofcovites, Armenians, ·A– bafiins, Coptis, Syrians, Jacobites, Nefiorians, Maronites, Georgians, &c. 4· It is to be expected that the Countries near– eft the Councils, and that have mofc numerous -Bifhopricks will have the Major Voce, when thofe far off, and that have large and few Bilhopricks will have few Votes. 5. It is known that three of the five old Patri– archares have many Errors, Y.ei, four of them differ from all the Weftern Churches, Papifts and Proter.~ants. '. 5. And it's certairi that·as we cannot be fure of the 'Major Vote all over the World, fo God never gave the Major pare the Soveraignty. ·v. Andyour Foundation for all this in Poii– ticks _is intolerably falfe, viz.. [ pag. 13. In omni– bu-s hujufmodi Societatibm pars omni.s toti fuo conJ!_rua, & pars minor majori confenta_nea ef{e dr:bet. Hoc ratio fitadet: Hoc jus naturale edicit: Hoc Commu'– ni.s hominum Confen[m neceffarium ef{e jfatuit.. Adeo Ut ji quid a majori, multo magis quod a maxima cu– jet{vu Societatis parteconftituitur eadem pars reliqua conftringatwr, iltudq; obfervare necef{e habeat, fl membrum ma.nere & privilegiir illius Societatis gaudere velit. .§2g,od cvtm in omnibus cujufcunque generis So– cietatibU5. valet, multo magis in Ecclefia valere debet.., qut:tm onznium ornatiflimam ejfe decet.] - I am loth to Engliili it , 1. I confefs 1-fiod the li_ke in.Archbitbop Laud, and fi-· Hook!;r: So N!Jn~ conformable to each other 1s the Conformmg · Clergy. But it's downr~ght Popularity or J!e- . r.noctacy . ~