[ 3)1 J all meet to trywho bath th~· Major Vote: They , can but 'choofe their Governours , though called ' ' Reprefentatives : And t~at is an Arifiocracy :For to choofe Governours 1s not to Govern. Even Rome was not-a true Pemocracy : For the People had but a Negative part in Legillation, S.P. ~R. conjunct having the Supremacy : And what were the People of one City to the whole Empire,which was the Politick Body ?- - - But how {hall we knowwho confiitute this Vo· ting. Society which you call the Church l I know · that the Papifis appropriate ihat title to the Cler- . gy ? But when it c®meth to Praet:ice (in Councils or out) how fmall·a p~rt h~ve any bu,t the Bifi1ops? Our Canons condemn thofe who deny the Con– vocation to be- the Reprefentative Church? Who , are the real church which ·they reprefent ? · Do they reprefent the Laity? Or are they none ofthe Church ?, How can they reprefent thofe that ne– ver choofe them? Patrons choofe the Incumbents¥ and the PeQple choofe neither Biihops, Deans, Arch-deacons or ProCt:ors. Is it the King and Parliament that they reprefent? I confefs the King that choofeth Biihops may mofi plaufibly be pretended to be reptefented -by them.\ But are they indeed his Rulers and Lawgivers,and he their SubjeCt:? Was Mofes fo to .Aaron, or Solomon to .Abiathar? The King choofeth Jufiices, and Con-· flables (mediately) but n.ot to be his Governours bu't his Minifiers. Or is the King and Parliament no Part of the Church of England? Say fo then, , .that we .may imderftand you. . But if indeed you 'confefS the Laity to be of this Voting Church (whofe Major part by Nature, Reafon, ahd the Confent of all the World muft · - · ~overn , I