' [ 3)1 ] ·cavernus) I befeech you help us at lafr (after all our loft importunity) to know which of the Laity it is. Is it all .that are in the Parilhes? I doubt then that the Atbeifis, Papifis, Sadduces, Deifis Hobbifis, Ignorant, Irreligious Debauchees and Lads, will be our Rulers. . . Is it only Gommunicams ? Then the Pariili Prieft of one place will have a Church of one fort ,, and another of another fort ?. And how knoweth he in great Parilhes who are his Commu– nicants, when he kno-weth not who or what they are? or whence they come, nor whether ever · they came before?The Law is the likefi: tefr,which obligeth all to Communicate that will have a Li... cerife to reil. Ale or Wine, or, that will not lie .in Jail~ aplace that few Love, and many would avoi~ at fo cheap a rate as eating a bit of Bread, and drinking a little Wine. And lhall the Majo– rity of thefe be Rulers of Kings , Bitl1ops and Pafiors? . But what if you mean .but the .fvtijor Vote of.._ · Bifhops ? (which it feems our Lower Houfe of Convocation mean not). Verily_, Sir, you mull: ·not too lharply blalUe the King ofEngland,Sweden, Denmar/z., 8{c. if they be loth to be SubjeCt:s.in fo great aMatter as their Religion to the Clergy of Italy, France Spain, Poland, Germany, Mofcovy, ·conftantinople .., and A jia , A frica, &c. while we kno·w what Power their .own Princes have ov;er them? · And do not ~v e know that there is no one com– mon Language which they, can ufe to underfiand one another as a College ? Even of our great Learned Schoolmen few underfiood Greek: And few of the ~~ee~~ uqd~~~~Qq ~~tin ( orG truke ·~ ree · ·' . .