Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

t 3)4 ] .-_ of People or Ciergy ?_ 4. It is not fo in any one Kingdom or National Church yet known in the -World,no not the World ; And what is the whole but the Parts Conjun& ? Dr. DillinJ!.ham in a late Eook againft Popery concludeth , that · there was never yet any Kingdom known where the tenth part were truly Godly : And I think you take the Church of England to be the befi in the World : And how many Thoufands would rejoyce if you could prove that the Major . part even of their Teachers were guided by the Spirit ofGod? And is it better with the Papifts, or Greeks, or Mofco– v1res, that cannot Preach at all ! 0 how h~ppy a (;hurch do you Dream of? VII. And it is yet more incredible that this po– ·pular Majority lhould be fo right in fuch fmall Matters as Rites and Ceremonies and Difcipline, as that their Practice ·thould be a Law to all the refi of the Chriftian World : And that the Unity or Concord of the Univerfal Churchmufi be built on fud1 Sand as cannot fo much as be gathered in– to one Heap ? And all mull: .be Schifmaticks, and fo fat feparate from the Church that obey them not : · I remember when Dr. Hammond pro· ceeGied Dr. I heardDr. Prideaux in the Chair argue againfi the Churches Infallibility, that ']oh11, and . 7'homa;,and fo every Individual was fallible: Ergo a company of fallibles were not infallible. Efpecially in fuch Matters as a Ceremony. Thofe that Paul wrote to Rom. 14. & I 5. were not taken for infal':: lible or Legi{lators by him. ~ \ VIII. And\you no where prove that P~tnl mean.: 'eth by (the Chur,hes have no fuch CufiomsJ that ..., · -- - · - .. - · - -· ·-- - · ~ · - - none