[ 3))] none in the w 6rld had any other; nor inult have any other; but only that what Garb and Habit the Cufl:om of all thofe Countries had placed De– cency in, the general Rule of Decency would ob– lige all to in the folem.n Affemblies, as it obligeth us to be uncovered. You mull: needs know. that by your Expofition and Inference you Gondemn your own Church .that bath the contrary Cu... llom. · Efpecially your noble Patrons that wear Periwigs. IX. And how impoffible a work do you· fee us all as a Law , to know what thefe Ceremonies · are without which we feparate as Schifmaticks~ I. Mufi all good-Chrifiia!)s be fo great Hifiorians . as to know what Ceremonies have been ufed in all Ages by the Major part? 2, Muft they be fo Skill'd in.Cofrnography, as to knowwhat Countries make the Major part? 3· Mufi they have fo good intel– ligence of former Affairs, as to know who have now the greaterVote in Councils and out of them?. 4· But you fay, It mufi be of fuch Rites as ab om– nibus, ubiq; & femper have been ufed: we like Vincentim Liri's rule well as to things neceffary, that may aliunde be fo proved. Bt;tt how lhall any man know that ab omnib'm& 1tbiq; without more , Knowledge of the World than Dra~e or Candijh had, or a9y Traveller? Excep~ Negatively , that we mufi no~ affeet caufelefs Singularjty from the ·mofi of the Godly, as far as we can know them. And how ihall we underfiand the femper ? Muft 'it refped: all time to come ? Then , mone earl know his Duty till the End of the World? Ifit be only as to time paft, then how knew they that 1ived in the firft ··Age, how· long their Cufioms · - · -· Aa ~ , ~ould -