. I [ 358 ] . ·164o. call: out even by your own long Parlia~ ment? XIII. But the worfi is, that while you fet us a new Univerfal Church Legillcttive and Judicial, Soveraignty, you deny the fufficiency ofScripture, -- if not the Soveraignty ofChrifi himfelf, while you feign unwritten Univerfal Laws, as part ofChrifi's Law,& a fupplement to theScripture,& giveChrifi's Prerogative to a Ufurping Soveraigmy, utterly uncapable of that Office? Scripture we know where to find ; but where to find your Univerfal ':Additional Laws, and your Church Senate or Col– lege, they mufi know more than I that know. :But fo much is written againfl: the Papifis (as afoliefaidJ for , Scripture fufficiency, that I refer you thither, and to the Articles, Homilies and Or-– dination Books which this Church fubfcribeth to. Alas Sir , is ,not the whole Bible big enough to make us aReligion ? ·XIV. As to your d~finition of the Church,P. 1.2: It is tolerable if you make no Head but Chrill: ; and fet up no Vicarious Head Monarchica,l or Ari– fiocratical, and infiead of Provincial parts, ' put National and Congregational ; or confefs that you defcribe but the Imperial-National Church,which was ri1ade up ofRoman Provinces.And gratifie not the Fanaticks by making the Holy Ghofi eo be tbe ·· authorifer of the Majority for Government : For they will think that they have more of the Holy Gholl: than you, and therefore mufi Govern you. I would all Rulers had the Holy Gholl: ; hue it's · (omewhat elfe ~hat mull give ~hem Authority~ , ·XY, Your