[ .3-)9 J \ XV. Youdnftance of the Ea.fterConfrov~rfie is– againfi: you. The difference undecided f9r 300 Years, and Apoftolical Tradition urged on both fides, 'tells us that it was no Apoftolick Law ; And Socrates and Soz.omen tell us, that in that and many fuch like things, the Churches had freely differed in Peace. _And you feem to·intir.mtte contrary ·to them and to lrenttm, that the Aftans were Schif..: rnaticks till they Conformed~ - And why name you Aft~ alone? Were our Brit.: tia1 Churches,. and the Scottilh no Churches ? Or do you alfo Condemn them as Schifmaticks for about 3oa Years after the Nicene Council ? What could the Papifts fay more againft them ? ' / XVI. How impoffible a thing do you ·make ChurchUnion to be? while the Elfentials or gr~t .. Integrals of Religion are,rnade infufficient eo it, and _fo many Ceremonies and Church_Laws are feigned neceifary, which no man ever comes to the true knowledge of,that.he hatb the right ones andall ? XVII. Ifthe Patriarchs muft 'be the Soveraigr! ' ,College , I befeech you give us fo11;1e proof (in a Cafe fo weighty) r. How many there muft be? 2. Where feated? 3· Wh9111Uft choofe and make them? 4· And quo jure? 5'. And whether we have now fuch aCollege ; or is there no Church ? · I XVIII. What Place will you give the Pope in theCollege? Ifuppofe with your Brethren youwill · call him 1. PrincipiT~m Vnitatu? But that's aName of Comparative 01'der ? what is his work as fuch a Principium ? How is he t,he Principium, if he_ have no more Power than the reft ? Muft not he call ' · .A a 4 · · die . \ -