Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

' [ 360] ·the Councils ? (Though our Articles fay Gene~at' Gouncils may not be gathered without the Will of Princes). Shall he not choofe the. Place and Time? Tell us then who{hall? Muft he not be Prefident? Muft he'not be Patriarch of theWeft? And fo Govern England as our Patriarch, andPrinfipium unitatis Vniverfalu alfo? , · · XIX. I pray tell us whether the French'.be Pa. pifis ? And how their Church-Govern)llent ( as Defcribed from themfelves by Mr. Jurieu) dif– reteth from that which you a\·e for? Tell menot of their Mafs, and other Corruptions ? It is Go· vernment that is the Form of Popery. And they will abate·you many other things : And mull: we be Frenchified ? If the French refi:ore thofe that ,we called Papifts, will difowning the Name, and ·calling them the Church of England ( chofen by Papifi Prin~es ) make us found and fafe ? And .when we find Arch-Bi111op Laud , Arch-Bilhop Bromhall, Bilhop Guning, Bifl10p Sparrow, Dr. $aywe!l, Dr. Heylin, Mr. Thorndik§, Biihop $. 'Park§r , and many more were for a ForeignJu– rifdiction , can we think if the French bring in the late Governours, that fuch Churchmenwould not embrace the F'Yench Church Government,'and call it the Church of England, when fince Lauds days, they have endeavoured aCoalition? Ifthey be Defeated, we may thank King 1ameJ., who could not bear delays, and would have all or none, when Grotim way would ha'{e been a furer Game~ . .-. : · XX. You tell us of Penahies made by Churcl\ Laws ·?Depofing Minifi~rs ~ ~nd Anathematizinlg. · .me· ~ ·-