Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

' [ 361 ] the Laity ? But while thel~Iergy hath no power of the Sword,who will feel fuch Penalties ?-When Rome Excommunicates the Greek§, the Gree~s will Excommunicate them again -: What Penalcy is it to Prorefiants to be Excommunicated by the Pope or his Council ? How commonly did they that were for, and againfi the Chalcedon Council, Excommunicate each other : And thofe that were ~ for and againfi Images ?.And for Photius, and for Ignatius? Cheat not Magifirates to be your Li– Ctors , and Curfing will go round as Scolding at Billingfgate? Who is hurt by a caufelefs curfe,but the Curfer? I confefs that Dr. Saywelt fayeth well; If fingle Pet.fons mufi: be punHhed , fhall not Na– tions alfo ? Yes : But by whom? By God the Univerfal King , and not by an llniverfal Human ~overaign ; whether a King or Pope, or a Senate of Foreign Subjetts: . XXI. We are promifed by a trifling Pamphie..:· teer( that fome of you are anfwering Mr. Clerk– fans two Books ·about the Primitive Epifcopacy and Liturgies : I pray you procure them alfo to anfwe~; my Treatife of Epifcopacy , (and my Englifh Non– conformity ') and ,not with the Impudent Railing Lyars, to fay it is anfwered already , while we can hear of no fuch thing. And fee that they prove that alhhefethings following, areTraditions of the Vni·verfal Church, .received from the Apo- ' files ,, and ufed, ab omnibus, ubique & femper. · r. That rnoft particular Churches for two H(ln~. dred or three Hundred years anq fo down, con- · filled of many Congregations that had no perfo– nal prefemial Communion. a. Tha~ Churches infimi ordinis were -Diocefan; ' havin.g. ·-