, , I ( 36l ] .r 13. That all Lords, Magillrates ,, Priefis and People that affirm the contrary, be ipfo faElo Ex– communicate. 14. -That Lay-Patrons that are but Rich enough to buy an Advowfon (how Vicious foever) did choofe all the Incumbent Minifiers, to whom the People muJl commit the .Minifierial Care of their Souls. . i 5. That they that dare not trufi fuch Pafiors as are chofen by Kings ( though Papifis Jand fuch Patroos, and dare not Conform to every impofi– tion like ours , mufi live like Atheifis, in for– bearance of all publick Woriliip and Church Communion. . 16. That all may Swear that an Oath or Vow of Lawful and Neceffary things, bindethnot our .felves or any others, if it be but unlawfully impo- _ fed and taken, and _had any unlawful part of the Matter. 17. that the Church ever held it unlawful for a wholeKing_dom ro defend it felf againfi: a Prince that would ~eliver up half the Government to a· Foreiner,andforce them to a Religion which requi– reth them to be Damned (or to Dye : ) When the Clergy ·and Church at 1er'ufalem, Alexandria, .Amioch, Rome, &c. did fo oft by force and Blood, relifi evenChrifiian Emperors,fuch as Theodofim II. , Zeno, Anaftafim and many others. · 18. That all the Churches held it lawful to Swear anq Covenant , never to endeavour any Amendment or Alteration of ariy fuch .as -the fore– mentioned Church Government. If 'all tbefe things be contrary to the confiant judgment or praCtice of the Church, .f?<t!tere whe– ·met· Dr~ Bey_e~idfl ~d h~s Approvers, pr2.nounce . ~ not .