Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

., The C 0 NT ENT S~ CHap. I. The clear flatirtg of the t:_ontrovirfie~and ~onfUtatton of the Pretenders. In 6o Propojitzons; provzr.zg tt aperjuriou-s alteration of Government, &c. Ch. Il. Wbt Parliamenrs and tbe Cbt:trch t~fEngland before Bifhop laudwere fo mucb againft {ucb a Coalition with the Papal Cburc/ 1, Ch. Ill. The [aid Coalition is not tbe way to Catbolick Union. Ch. IV. The Deceits that are pleaded for an Univerfal HtJma1ie Sowraignty. · Ch. V. A Fireign 'Jurifdieiio'll by Collef,e Oil Coun{els immasJr.t. Ch. V f. Tbe Grand Crm(e quentiat· Cafe : Whether it he/awful for ,Presbyters to Swear or Profe[s Obedience to thofe Bifhops ~h'o profef~ Subjection to a Foreign :furifdiCiion? or for the people to own t!Jem Ch. VII. Of the {econd part of the dejign to bring the Papifts to our Churches M in the beginning of flEeen Elizabeth's days. · Ch. VIII. Why it wilt not Jervefor a Coalition for tbe Papifts to a- , bate tbeir laft 400 years corruptions as Arcbbifhop Bromhall maintainctb. . Ch. IX. Whether th~ inftance of the Apoftles Cburcb Government, prove. an Univerfal Soveraignty in man. . Ch. X. Many Ryeftions abot:tt Councils to be re[olved before we can take them for an Univerfal Ariftocracy; ' ·<:;h. xr. A · Breviilte of both the Ariftocratical and Monarchical · Popery. Ch. XII. A humble Expofiulation to the ZealOP.4 Anti;papi{ts, Con.:. formifts and Nonconformifts whether they have been innocent M to promoting Popery ? Ch. XIII. VVh1t is the Duty of all other 'chriftianstowards the Pa• pi{ts, in order to the difcbttrge ofthe Fundamental DutieJ" of Love, Concord and Peace, and the promoting tbe common Intere[t ofCbri– ftianity : /Written to keep Protestants from finful Extreams , and while we cannot come fo 11,~ar them M Caffander,Erafmus, Gro-: tius,and tho(e that are for a Foreign :furifdiction,we, may keep and ufe a Cbriflian Zeal for the better way of Concord ofCbrifis pre– (cribing, avoiding all injury to Pttpifts and allotbers. NB. To prevent mifunclerftanding Citations,note,That both fome Epifcop~l Drs and fome Presbyterians fay, That the Go– vernment of the Church 1s Ariftocratical,meaning only, 1. Per partes, as England isGoverned by Jufl:ic~s, and, 2.. Meeting in fuch Councils a they can for Concord: But not as the fummtt pote/ftUof the Umverfal Church, which is una perfona politica in pluribus 1laturalibZtJJ unifying the~ody and fo Ruling it, They_ r~~ ~~t prQpe.rly m ~b~ ba~gu11g~2f~gy~~~~~