Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 571 ] Presbyterians or Nonconformifis that are againft both, and will be no Papift:s. r. The Italiansare for the Popes Sole Supremacy, and Councils being but his Counfellors. 2. The Frendi Lawyers are for the Councils Supremacy above the Pope; as to Legifiation, and .Judgmenrt when they, lit~ ,3. The middle greater part are for theSupremacy inPope and Council agreeing, and the Popes Exe– cutive power in the intervals; not abfolute, but ac– cording to the Church Laws or Canons. But all ' . for a vilible Univerfal Supremacy, and for thePapal Prefidency in General Councils, and his prime Patriarchiliip in the Weft. Ifin England fame be for the Kings Sole Legifiative Power and ,Abfo.!. lutenefs, and Parliaments being but his Counfel– lors ; . and others for the ConjunCtion ofi(ing and Parliament in Legifiation, and the limiting of the Kings Executive Po\-ver by the Laws, cloth it fol– low that only the firft fort are the Kings SubjeCts? The Controverlie is the fame. Yet the fame men that are for Abfolute Civil Monarchy, take on them to be for Ecclefiafiical Ariftocracy. ' § 6. Men love not to be tired with tediousVo– lumes ; nor can I find time to .write more fuch, therefore I £hall here· lay down what the Reader muft: neceffarily know in forne Thefes or Apho– rifms, with fo fhort but found a proofas is necef– fary to capable willing Readers, infcead of put– ing them into diftinet Chapters with numerous -proofs to urge the unwilling. I: The World is the Kingdom ofGod; who is Eminently the King, and all.Reafonable Creatures his Subjects under Moral Government, as all na– tural Agents are under-Natural Potential Govern... 1.\l~nt~ ·--- - J3 b 2 , • No • I