Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 37 2 J '• No man will deny this but the ·Acheifl:, whom I leave to be di[puted with bySun, and ,Moon, and Stars, Heaven and Earth, and common Rea– fon. II. God only is the _Unifying a.s well as Specify– ing Governor oHhis Univerfal Kingdom; and tho' all men be of one Nature, Spedes,Mould,Interefr, &c. yet it is only by their Relation to one God that they are one Kingdom. III. God harh. made no L1niverfal Supreme Monarch or Ariftocracy under him in the World : Emonly appointed to each Soveraign his particu– lar Province or Republick. For, I. No t\1tin or Senate is naturally capable ofit : They dQnot fo , much as know the Terra incognita, nor can fend to the Antipodes and all the Earth as Regiment ~equireth : He would be thought as mad that fhould attempt it as he that claimed a Kingdom in tqe Moon. 2. No Man or S~nate had ever yet the madnefs to claim it. IV. He that {hould <:;laim an Univerfal Supre– macy, mufi make all Kings and States, and all the World to behisSubjeCts. V. He that doth fo proclaimeth him(elf to be publiclfJ hoftis, the publick Enemy of all K:ings and . · States,whilehe will make them his SubjeEfs againlf · their wills. And therefore all Kings and States -are allowed to refill and ufe him as their common Enemy. · VI. 1he whole World is now the rightful Do– minion ofChrifl: our Redeemer: For this end he b()th died, rofe t'lnd revived, that he might be the Lord of the dead and of the living, Rom. 14. 9, 16. .All power is given him in Heaven and Earth, Mat. 28. 1.9• .All things arc delivered to himofthe FP~ther, ~nd • g1VCfZ