Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ )74 J He made the fpecifying Infiitution or Law; the Terms of Union and Communion ; He giveth Men the Grace by which they Believe, Repent, Confent and are made Members. If Chtift made not his own Church , as to the Formal Head, the Species, the' Unifying Terms ~nd Graces , it would be as aW0oden Leg to a living Body, a Human Creature impofed on him, Savouring of the Errours and Naughtinefs of thofe that made it. and t\1utable at their Mutable Wills. Every aa'ive Form, makes it's own ma– terial Domicilium. ·Who is he > or who are they ~h?t had .power to make Chrifi: a Body or Chur~h in fpecie, before he made it himfelf: Chrifis Bo– dy is not made by Man ? If it were, who were they ? Were they his Body or Church firfi them– felves, or not ? If yea, who made them fuch, and who them, and who them in infinitum: If not, how came Infidels and the Members of the Devil to have power to make a Body or Church for Chrifi? · XV. Chri.ll: hath de fpecie Inflituted who fhall be Members of this Church: And by his Laws, Terms and Defcription taught us certainly to lmow the Members as Vifible. , Elfe t\ e could never know whom to take' for Chrifiians , nor whom to love as fuch ; Nor to whom to give the Seals of his Grace, and Communion with his Members. ; XVI. Baptifm is the Symbol or Badge of Chri– fiians, and Baptizing is our Chrifiening ; and who– ever believeth and is Baptized , il1all be Saved: Therefore till they Revolt, all truly Baptized perfons are ViGble Chriltians, and make up the Vifible Church: vYhich is the Society of all ' . · , , : · · . ~~1r~~