Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~75 ] Chrifiians ~ Headed by their Soveraign Chri!t~ XVII. All Chrifiians entered in Infancy , are not capable of ·the Duty, Bleffings and Commu– nion of the Adult. Adult Members and Com– munion mufi be difiingui!hed from Infant. XVIII. Therefore all that will have Adult Communion , though they mull: not be Baptized again , mull: as fully own their Baptifmal Cove– nant, Devoting themfelves by their iown Vnder– ftanding Confent and Vow toGod the Father, Son and Holy GhoH: , Renouncing the World , the Fleih and the Devil , as if they were now to be Baptized. . The negleCt of this, or turning it into a dead· image and Ceremony , by dead Images of Bi~ iliops, on pretence of Confirmation, confound .. eth the Church, and would make it a dead ·Image, and really but the \Vorld. . · XIX. The Univerfal Church of Chrifl in his days on Earth , was but an Embrio ; and his few Apofrles and Difciples, who were fuited in num– ber to the Jewilh Nation, where 'their Minifiry was to begin, were but like the ·Organical parts of ' the Body , the Hefirt, .Head, Eyes, Liver, &&. when Nature hath firft made them , that by them it may make the reft. But when Chri£1: was Ri-' fen, and the Holy Ghofi fent down in Eminency, and the Gentiles called , and the Church began to be- Catholick , this Kingdom of the Holy Ghoft is that which is called fpecially , the King-, domof God and Heaven, which the Gofpel then proclairned,and ]ohn Bapt.ijf told Men.was at hand.. XX. The Church of Chrifi: on Earth is partly Vifible and partly Invifible, and yet but one Church. B b,4 • As