andGod in him; Nor whether the Unity of the, Spirit.( for that's the Unity) fl1ould be kept in the Bond of Peace , no more than whether the diffirnilar parts of the Body t'hould all be of one Mauer, and live by one nutriment :. united to , the fame Head and Heart, Contiguous, andmade for the Good of the whole, actuated by the fame Spirits , and Animated by rhe fame Soul. XXIV. But our Controverfie with the Papifts i1, Whether the Church on Earth have any One lawful Supream Pawer under Chrift,, Arifto-· cratic/ll or Democnr.tical, authorized to Govern tpe whole by Legijlation and 1udgment: That is ,, One .(Jdinifterial Soveraign, or Vice-Chrift; a Conflitu– tive, fpecifying and Vnifying Supream over all, being one Political perfon, whether in one , or many natu– ral Per{ons? Th.:s Prote{tants deny. XXV. It is but our fecond Queftion with the Papifts, Whether the Pope be this 1-fead or Supreme Reilor: but our firft and fundamental Controverlie is, Whether there be any {uch at all but Chriff. Did we believe there were any [uch at all ,. '''e fhould readily be Papifts, either of thofe that give moft to the Pope as Abfolute, or of thofe that make him the Prefident of Councils, and in their Intervals, the Prime Church Governor according to the Laws. Of which more anon. That the Proteftants commonly deny all Uni– verfal Soveraignty but Chrift's, I fl1ould tire the )leader needle{ly to prove by numerous Citations. He may foon know that will read, I. All the ~hurches Confeffions in the Corpus Confefftonum. z. Our Oaths fm· renouncing all foreign .Turifdi– Ctions. j. Our Difputants, Luther, (de Conciliu) Z1tinglim , Qe,olampadim , ~,jelanchthrm, Brenti~, · Calvm,