Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

L ~79 J Calvin, Bullinger, Zanchy, 11/iricm, Pez.elius; Muf– culm, Aretius, Chamier, Molin£m, Blonde!, Dall£m, 'Rivet, Pa'r£us, Sohnim, Pifcalor, Bez.a, Sadeel, Da.: n£m, Gryn£HJ, Spanhemim, Arminim, Epi{copim, &c. Jewel, Whitakgr, Reigno/4s, Crak!;nthorpe, Abbot, Cha/lon~r, Willet, Vjher, White, Chillingworth, Dave-– nant, jWorton) Carlton, Bernard, Barrow,&c. Their Difputes were not Who is this Summa Poteftas Mini_fterial to Govern all the Chriftian World, but whether ti'Jere be anyfitch ? XXVI. No Proteftants ever yet ·denied the Councils of Pifa, Conftance and Bafil, and .the, French allowed Clergy to be Papifts becaufe they were not of the Italian ftraio, nor for the abfolute . unlimited Power of the Pope. Nor did any call them Proteftants. XXVII. That the Pope bath no right to an Uni– verfal Supremacy,Headibip orGovernment,I have proved at large in the Firft and Second Part ofmy Key for Cathblicks : And Dr. Barrow bath bet- , ter and more largely proved after many other. Briefly, ' · 1. No Mao is naturally capable of Governing all the World. Only God and our Redeemer is capable; Man cannot know, hear, fend, execute over all the Eafthpe1'· [e & per alios, it's akind of madnefs to imagine it. 2. The Chrifiiao Churches are mofily undet the Power of various Princes, Abaffines, Turks, Perfians , the Mogol , Mofcovites , Tartarians, Swedes, Danes, Engliib, &c. that will not receive the Pope : How then can he govern the SubjeCts under them? ! • ; j. Had fuch a Head been of Chrifi's making; pe \Y9.U!g ~~ye pl~inly mag~ us ~underftaad it ~i~ .