Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 38o ] his word : Of fq gr~at importance would it be to theChurches Unity and our Salvation. 4· When Herefies and Setts and Controverfies arofe and rroubled the Church, the Apoll:les would fure have rold them this neceffar~ means of ending all, and living in Unity and Concor.d. 5. Paut would never have chidden the Conten· ders for faying, I am of Cephas, ifcenterjng in him had been the only uniting means. 6. Peter never exercifed any Power over the refi ofrhe Apofiles,npr QY.~r the Univerfal Church any more than the refi. ···· 7· If he had, it had b~en no more to the Biil1op of Rome , than to· the Bifhop of AntiQfh , and others. 8. None can fl1ew any Commiffion of Chrill: for fuch a Headiliip : And none other can autho– rize them. 9· The Council of Chalcedon faith exprefly, that it's being the Imperial Seat, caufed Rome to have the Primacy by the Father's Gift. · 10. The whole Greek Church never believed th~t Chrill: made any Univerfal Soveraign : For, 1. Elfe they would never have contended for tb~ Primacy at Conftantinople(nor for the fecond place]: For they knew that was no Apol1olical Seat , nor did they claim it as byChrifl's infiitution: and they were not fo impudent as to fet ap a Human Right befor.e a Divine. 2. And even they never claimed a Soveraignty over the Ex tra-Imperial Chrifiian - World, but only over the Churches of the Empire, and thofe that had been the Emperor's Subjet1s. • 1 r. The Fad~ers and Primitive Church , and ' Tradition are all againft the Pope's Univerfa~ Government without the Empire (as I bav~ elf~~ where .. oved). · · · 12. The . '• '· ..