Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 381 J ' I 2. The Catholick Church ·is now againfi fuch a Soveraign , even the,far grearefi part of Chri– fiians : And it never acknow!edged him or united in him in any Age. ' 13. There is lefs reafon .for one Church !v1o· narch over all the World than for one Civil Mo– narch -(as {hall be further proved) which yet no Man barb the face to plead for. , I 4· This Papal Claim bath no jufi pretence; There is nG> work or ufe for any fuch Power (-9£ whkh more anon). Let not Magillrates ot Pafiors be robbed of their right, and there will no Go- . - verning Work be'left for the Pope. , · 1 5. It is an unfufferable Ufutpation of the Power .of all Chriftian Princes, who a!·e· entrufied with the Exteriors and Accidentals of the Church; and awrong to tbern, and their Kingdoms to fu.b;. jeCl them to Foreigners. The Pope of old was a Subject to one Prince; And for one Princes Sub– ject: to Rule all other Princes of the Earth, is in effeCt to make that Prince the Ruler of them all. 16. A humane Ufurping Head maketh an hu– map adulterous Catholick Church ; and makes that .the Body of the Pope, which fhould be but the Body ofChrih. . · . 17. It is acertain means ofSchifm, while there~ by they feparate that ht1rnane Society of the Ufur– per from all the Church that will own no Head ~ but Chrift. · 18. This Idol Head or Vice-Chtift in plain Pride fetting up himfelfas the Governour of theWorld, and fetcing the World together by the Ears about his Title,by Ufurping the Government over them, mull: needs make ·it a hard quefiion at leaft to ~hrifiians, whether this Idol be not the Anriechrift, /