Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ . 384 J rily the Prefent Powers can prevail with their SubjeCts to EleCt whom they pleafe ; As Theodori– cus and other Arians at Rome have done. And if rhe Turk fhould conquer Rome ; how eaGly could he keep them from having any Bifi1op at all, and fo the Church were dead as headlefs. 2 r. Yea Rome hath long been without any true Bifhop : And · the Church is no Church without ies Confiitutive Head. In divers times of Wars, Defolations, a11d Perfecutions, yea; long by the Difagreement of the Electors, and many ages by the nullity of uncapable Popes , fome fet up by Whores, and Tyrants, and fome depofed by Ge– neral Councils as Hereticks _, and yet cont'inuing (as Eugen. 4.) And long much of Italy it felf depofed the Roman BHhop~ and fet up a Patriarch at Aquileia, and took him for their Head. 2 z. Yea, i't is certain by their Doetrine of ne– cefiary uninterrupted Succeffion, that there is now .no Pop~ nor ' ever can be. For when fo many falfe EleCtions, Incapacities by Simony , Herelie, Schifm, Infidelity , Councils Depoficions, have interrupted the Succeffion, it never (by their way) berell:ored. 23. By all the Canons every €ity a1ould choofe their own Bifhop : And fo Rome (oft a Nefi of Wickednefs) would be made the Millrifs or Head ofall the World; when as Cofmography is not fo neceffary to ChriH:ianity,that all the World lhould be.bound ever to know that there is fuch a place ·as Rome in the World ·: And it were a firange thing that God !hould make it neceffary to Sal– V<ition for them at the Antipodes and all the Earth, to obey one City, and him that they eleCt. Was itignorance or craft in Pope Zachary to Ex· commu·