Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~86 ) tvelfare, but every Presbyter, and every Chri!lian inhis Place. Therefore that Biiliops are related to the whole Church, no more proveth that they have as aSenate afumma poteftas or any Univerfal Government over it, as·one College , than it will prove it in all other Chrifiians , who are all rela– ted to the whole ; Nor no more than the Mem– bers of the Body do make one natural Governing Part by Confent. XXX. This Communion of Chrifiians in the Church as Catholick; is eifenciated by the Effen· tials of Chrifiianity and Minifiry ; for Chrifiians as Chrifiians with Chrift the Head do confiitute the ·Catholick Church, in its· firfi being as in fieri, AAd Ck~iftians as Chrifiian Minifiers of Chrifi, and pt;ivace Difciple·s, do confiitute the organized Body ~hich with Chrift the Head make an orga– nized CatholickChurch. XXXI. The Integrals ofChrifl:ianity&Commu– nion are QOt neceffary to the Effence of theChurch, but to the Integrity : Much lefs the Accidents. XXXII. The Chrifiian C.hurches through the World hap-e Communion in.'all rhefe things fol– lowingat .this day. I• They are all, Baptized with the fame Baptifm in Eifence ; and fo are all Chri– fiians• . Partjcularly they all profefs to believe in God the Father, one .Jefus Chrift our R~deemer, and one·Holy Ghoft, one in Elfence with the Fa– the~ and the Son. They all profefs the fame Creed called the Apofiles, yea and the Nicene: and the Lord's Prayer as the Rule ·of our Defires, and'the Qecalogue as a fummary Rule of PraCtice; They all believe the fame holy Canonical Scripe ' ture, as to as many Books at leaft as are nece1fary ,to the~e~~g 9t ~hr!~!~ity aiJ.d S~lyatio~.'fhey all . ~r~ •,