Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

,[ 388 ] I I which bath no Effen~e is nothing: that whofe · Effentials are unknown is noc knmvable, nor can be defined. Chrifiianity was once known by Bap– tifm : and it was once knowable who were ~o be Baptized, and who to be received as Chtifiians in– to Communion. There are multitudes of Divine Truths revealed in ~cripture, and therefore to be believed, which are not elfential to a Chrifrian or a Church : And fo there are Integral Parts of Worlhip and Difcipline. He that needs more proof of this, is not one ofthofe that I write for. XXXIV. The Accidents of Chrifiianity and Churches are of two forts : fome fuch as it is de– ftreable that all Churches lhould agree in, though it be neceffary neither to their Effence or Integri– ty. And fome fuch in which an 'Univ,erfal Agree· mentis neither poffible nor defireable. · As it is defireable to comelinefs that all men have Hair and Nails, &c. but not that they all wear Cloaths of the fame Scuff, Shape, or Price ; or all dwell in Houfes of the fame materials, form or bignefs, nor all ufe the fame Trade of Life, nor be ofone Age or Rank, &c. It is defireable that all the World fpakeone Language, and were of one Judgtnenc ·in all things of common concern– ment : But it's hopelefs , And he would play the hypocritical Devil , that on pretence of feeking Unity, would-defiroy or ruin all that agree not in thefe things ; fo is it as to Church Communion : It is defireable that all Chriftians underfiood and fpake one Language; and that we had but one perfect: fort of Copy of the Bible without various readings; or where Tranflacions are.necelfary that they were all perfeCt and agreeable; but it's hope– letS : As the cafe is, it is .not defireable, much lefs ' . · . necelfary,