Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

r ( 392 ] .So that this is no duty·· proper to BHhops, but common to Chrifiian Princes : And if their fin. 'ful omiffion make it firange, it is nevenhelefs 1heir duty, as God will make them know. . XLIV. Thy Synod,s of Fafiors duly ordered are ofgreat ufe for thejr mutual advice, firength and t;oncord, in order to the univerfal good. So far are we from being againft them, that we think th~ right ufe of them of great importance• .That they may keep a right underfianding of the Fa:ith which they agree in, and bear down Here– ftes the better by their joynt oppofition ; and may ~~ep up Chrifiian Love, and work out the difafI f~etion~ which firangers and the .calumnies of backbiters are apt to breed. And even in Inte.. grals and meet Accidents may do as much in {.:;oncord as they can. ' XLV. The Obligation which lieth on Particu– lar Paftors to obferve. the Agreements of fuch Synods, is frqm . the general command of Love and Concord, and the means thereto·. And h~ that fiands not to fuch Agreements as make for the Strength and Concord of th~ Churches, viq– lateth th~s Common Law. But fuch Agreements ofSynods as make not for this common end, but ~re againfr le; no man is obliged to obferve. For it is no means that is npt I for the End; but againfi it. iherefore every Canon which enjoyn.. · eth fin, or is not to the Churches good but hurt» mufi: not be kept. . ' ; · .XLVI. ~ It is not true that the Diocefan is by Office .tne Reprefenter of the .whole Church in Synods; ~nq Presbyters have no place or decilive :Yotes. · · . ~ Protefi~ncs have at larg~ confuted this in their -. . .. , Conli1.., I . J. ; , •• .\.~ ~ ' _;J