Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• [ 394] This I have fully proved in my fecond Book againft ']ohnfon ; I. From the Subicriptioos to the faid Councils ; 2. From the Authority of the Emperors that called them ; ·3. From the reft of the Hifi:ory and Acts; 4· And from the Tefii– mony of the Hifiorians of thofe Times. Yet A. Bif11op Bromhall, with the Papift Priefi: John– {on maintaineth the contrary, pag. 1 I o. faying, [This Exception w.u made in the dark, &·c. and faith, it abounds 1:vith Errours, and that the Abuna of Ethiopitt /itbmitteth to the Patriarch of Ale)(.·an– dria , and 'they all acknowledge the Pope the jirft Patriarch, &c. ,; I. If ftich a cant as this go with any man for a fatisfattory anfwer to the full proof afore– faid which I have given, and my Confutation of ten ~ times more of ']ohnfons, I have done with that man. An[. 2." Our Quefiion is, Whether any, or all the Extra-Imperial Church~s had Bifhops in thofe Councils, or were there reprefented, yea or ever caUed ? Doth he prove a word of this ? Not one word ; but faith, The Ethiopians now fubmit to them. Anf. 3· The Quefiion is not, what they do nov:, but what they did then. Chrifrian Reader, admire the gracious Providence of God. The Cufiom then was for the Majpr Vote of the Bifhops in Council, when they ~athematized any as Hereticks, to get them bania1ed. Many of thefe banifbed men enlarged the Church, and en– creafed the numbers of Chrifi:ians where they came ; but they pr()pagated a Condemnation of the Councils that condemned them.' Neftorim, , but fpecially Dioftorm and )'acobm Syrffl, and ma-' . ny