Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~95 ] ny of the Eutychians turned multitudes in the EaJl: and South, and fome in Tartary to their minds herein. Among others the Abyffines were taken with the Reverence and Authority of Diofcorm, condemning the Council at Chalcedon,and the refi: that were againll: him. And all the Extr'a-Impe– rial Churches honoured thofe ofthe Empire above / themfelves, living under Infidels (except Abaflia) and rejoyced in. the Power of the Chrill:ian Em- _ pire ; but never joyned in their Councils, nor received them as their Laws, but rejoyced as Confenters to all that they thought good. He cannot prove that before Diofcorm Bani{hment the Abaffines obeyed\ Ale:r:andria: And to this . · day, their 0buna is chofen by the.Monks at 1e– ru(a.lem, fay. fome, but fay o.thers, chofen and confirmed by the titular Patriarch of Ale'xandria, and ruleth .Abaflia himfe~f; and they all condemn the forefaid Counc;ils, and the Pope. Godignm tells you and Ludolphus more fully, what refpeet they have for .the Pope and our Councils. An[. 4. The truth is, all that ever I he?rd yet tqat can be faid for the Subjection of the Aba{– fines , or other Exterior Churches to the Council ' even of Nice, or the Patriarchs before , is hut a Word in th~ Canons lately Divulged by Pifanus; which are novel, of no Authority, not to be CrediteCi by any that Credit not rthe Roman Fo~;; _geries: And ~t's contrary to the true Nicene Ca– non, that faith Egypt only is Subjetf to .Alexandrilfl , ~hen this Forgery addeth Ethiopia: And yet it's ,fa~d of Trajan , that he went fjlr into Ethiopia to Enlarge the Roman Power : So if the Romans had ~ny skirt there, as they had oft in Perfia and ~cythia, , , that's nothing to the ,Abt?.Jfincs , nor pro~ · . · · - ' • veth ')