[ 596 ] veth any Exteriors , much lefs all reprefented in the General Councils of old. · . An[. 5. Many Countries and Parties did · for Concord, and forne Advantages, put themfelves under particular Patriarchs , and z.lio profefs their voluntary confent to the Nicene, and fome other Councils, Canons or Creed, who yet never took a General Council for the Rightful Soveraign of the Chrifiian Churches,through theWorld At this day one Sect obeyerh only the Patriarch -of Cot:ffantinople , and rejeetech all the rell: ;, and another the Patriarch of Alexandria, and three others ,. the ·three pretending Patriarchs of ,·inti– och ; rejecting the refi : and they reject as afore– faid fome of the four firH Councils , and all that followed : By which it appeareth, that they take not' the four or five Patriarchs· Effential to , Catholick Unity, nor General Councils to have a. fupream Regiment over all. Moll: Proteltaots receive the four firfi General Councils ( fa ving forne mutable accidentals : ) And yet they holdnot their Univerfal Soveraignty. L. It is neither lawful nor poffible to call a Vni– verfal Council to,Exercife Vniverfal ~overaignty, mr ever like to be. I have fully proved this in the Second part of my Key for Carholicks ; Confider , r. It mull: be Grave Experienced Men , who are fit ·to be trufied in fo great aMatter : And fuch are Age4 . and ufually weak. ' 2. From Abaffia , Mexico, Armenia , 6-·c. they mull: be ayear or near in receiving the Summons, and as long in preparing and coming to EuroN, if this be the place. i· They mull it's like, be fome years abfent at th Council~ 4· They J'