[ i97] 4. They cannot ( if they are fufficie'nt ·· Rep~e~ ' fentatives) come all into one Room to hear De· bares. 5. They cannot moft of them underfiand one anothers Language. 6. They will har~ly live to bring back the I?e.;. crees. 7. There is no Perfon or Senate in the WorJd, that hat~ an obJiging Ailth?ritY. tp call 'the!J!. 7 8. It ts nor ltke that they w111 ever agree Vo1untarily to meet in one place , without fuch Au~ tbority : The Abaffines , Armenians , Syrians, &t:. will think we fbould come to them , and we fball think they fhould corr.e to us. 9· If poffibly they fhould agree ,· a Mans Age is little enough to go all over the World to Sol– licite and bring them to fuch f\greement. I o. Who , and how many \·dll undertake that task? I I. How few can bear the Charges of all ili~ . · I 2. It were finful Cruelty to Separate' th~ Wi– fefi Men fo long from·their Charges , to the Peo– ples lofs , as well as by the Voyages and Journeys to kill them. · 13. le is certain, that mort of the Princes on Earrh, under whofe power the Bjfhops live, would not give leave eo go out of their Dominions to fuch Synods ; mbft being Infidels, many Hetero... dox , and many in Wars or Enmity with each other, and almoft all in Jealoufies; and without their leave, they catlno.t come. · I4. The great Numbers of the nearer Bifl1ops, and the paucity of themofi remoc e , would make . it no true Reprefentacive, as to Voce-s. · 15. There .