Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 399 ] I the Sufficient and Authorized 'Reprefente1·s of all the reft, do but more gr0fsly deceive and abufe the Chrifiian World. · For, I· They never pl'oved' nor can prove that ever Chrifi Authorized fuch Patriarchs, much lefs to fuch a Power. · · 2. And whereas Arch-Bilbop Bromhal faith, that God doth it by the Law of Nature , enabling ' Jl!Jen to do it , and to deny this is to overt~row all Government: I anfwer, J. We know of no fuch Law of Nature; nor tha:t ·he is a Credible Expo– fitor of it : We take the Law of Nature (on the Reafons before and after mentioned ) to be plain– ly againfr the very being of fuch Councils , and efpecially againfi: fuch rrulling our Religion with ,them , and fuppofing them to be the Governors of all the Chrifiian Princes and People on Earth. 2 • . What Men be they that have given thefe Pa... triarchs this ·Power ? If Men dead I 300. years ago , they have no Authority now :.·Dead Men have no ruling Power. The Laws of the Land pind .us not now by any power , tbat the Dead Kings and Parliaments have over us : But (though tnade by them ) they bind us now onl~ as the· ·. Laws of our prefent _Governours. By theConfiitu· tion , the Succeffive Kings are frill by confent to· make them Their Laws, till by confent of King .and Parliament, they are Diffolved: Unlefs foin~ prefent power over us make them Their Laws , no _ old Church Canons can bind us. 3.· If they fay that God binds us to· fiand to what our Ancefiors did ; I want .the proof of that : If we will have the begefit of. our Ancefiors Contract, we muft fiand to them , elfe we may choofe : A Fathe~ cannot bind his Child eo his hurt , but only t<> . . ' h~ . \