[ 400 ] his Benefit: I.et them prove the Obligation: 4· But we ~eny that any made thofe Patriarchs, who would have had any power over _us, had we been then alive. The Subjects of one Prince made them in his Empire, and he Confirmed them. But neither that Prince nor his Subjects were our Rulers here, what if the King or Convocation make Canterbury and York Metropolitans: Doth it follow that they have Church-power over other Lands. · 5. 1hefe Patriarchs had never the Government of any given them by the old Councils, but with– in the Empire: And after of fome Volunteers that for Advantage cho{e it. · 6. Who be thefe Patriarchs they talk of? Are they not all turned into Names and Shadows, Condemning one another ? and muh: thefe five fighting Shadows Reprefent and Rule the ChriftianWorld? . 7· To return to the twelve Apoales is Impe.t– tinent: The Apoll:les ~ere prime Minifiers, and more Reprefented Chrifi than the Church. The Church chofe them not : Chrifi made them ' Foundations , Bafes and Pillars in his Church, but not Reprefentatives of it. And if he had , .they chofe none to Succeed them as Apoftles ~ But as ordinary Minifters , all Minifiers Succeed them , and as Superior Minifiers, fome fay Bi– ihops. Bell~trmine confeifeth and proveth, that the Apofiles as fuch have no Succeffors, and that the Pope Succeedeth not Peter as an Apofile, but (as he 'Dreams) as an ordinary Supream Pallor. Had the Apofiles fetled twelve or thirteen Sue..: · cefiors , or appointed any Churches to be Rulers of the reft, wem\lft have obeyed thefe Rulers = · , · _, · - · -· - · · But