Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[401 j . , ~~t ~·who hav~ ea~le~ .tfiem a yet:terai. Cou~cil ?: None but Rome, and ;Alexa~drta .datme~ Succ'effion from the Apofiles; and all thefe daim- · · edit but fi·om one Apofile P.eter, _Rome ana An– tioch as his pretended Seats,.a11d A~cxandria chat h~~ fet Sr. Mark. ·over them, fure eh~ _ l}pofii~s rof~·· , not from the dead to make Conftantinople a.nd Je- . rufalem Patri~rchaces : And if they ~ad,, four' of the five Patriarchs are all now.SubJeCts to the Turk : And experience telling us what PoweJ; Princes have in the Choice and Ruling of the Clergy: All this cloth but fay., that the Turk is the Chief Governour of the ,Rel~giori and Con~ fciences ofall the ChrifiianWorld. . , ... ·. If they plead for new I>ower to make Patriarchs; ~et them prove :who hath that Power over all the World, and how they came by ic, i!nd how they now ufe it. Will all the Chrifiian World who fear ,the guile of obeying Ufurpers,and difobeying Chrifiians, ever unite in the ebedience of,Pa– triarchs, who cannot be known by thci.wifeff. much Jefs byall to have any Autl1ority to corn.,; mand them ? . . .· . ', .. . .. _ LII. The Pope hath done riluehofh'ts m1fch1efs·, to the Church and World by the Councils of Biiliops. · , . . ·, · ~· ,. . , They have been his Army, and fie their General : Withbut them he could have done·little or npthing : By them the moft ofChu~ch. Corrup– tiOns have been made Laws: B.y. them.Emperors have been deppfed, Reb~llions Il)aintainea, toe \ Pop~ enabled eo give a\Yay ,their Kingdoms, ·ab– folv~ Subjects from their Oaths,; to.:make it 'i Herefie..(c~ll~d., Henri~~~~ ~ to .b~ Lpyal;ieo~ d~g dead Bril10ps> out of their graves· as Here'tlcks; . · . oa- . that ' ' ·'