Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 4°7 ] ' m·en mull: me~d it; efpecially if it be in neceffary ·things. If it be but undetermined Circumfi~nces or Accidents, then r. None can know whiCh cf them agree with all Countries on Earth.2.Thofe that agree this year Jn.ay not be agreeable the next. -3· Nor is an-Agre~ll)e'nt/in mor~ tha,n Chrill: hath .determined necelfary at all. So that here is no work for them (o do. . _ · 2. And what is the Judiciary P{)wer that they can ufe ?. No man can tell what. r. They cannot 'judge ofpartic-nlar Perfons to be BaP+fze~Lwhether they are fit. All the Bii11ops ofthe)~o~~d muft not me~t to try' a Catechumen. 2 ..., Nor yet of ·Perfons that are to be Confirmedan~ ~mitred to . .adult Communion : 3 ._l Nor· of Perfon's ,accufed of Herefie or Scandal: No one i~ fo: J.A~d ,as to fay · that an Univerfal Council mufi: be , g~t,hered out -ofall the Earth t0 ju_dg~ whether A: do_ juftlyac- ..cufe B. of -thefe Crimes , and to near... all men fp"eak for thernfelve~, and to Examine the WitI · neffes, &c. · . • And whole ·Cities , and Kingdoms are not fit f?r Church Cenfu~es ,.be<;~ufe they ~re mixt ·of. ngbteous and U'nnght€0US, and noxa Caput feql!i– ·tur.: Every man rimft anfwer for his ownSin, anCI .. every one rnuft have:his own Repentance. And if whole Countries are to be Judged, whole Coun– tries ofWimeifes mull be heard. And !hall the ' Council come eo them,or .they all go to the Council ? and whither? and .when ? . · • If it be Caufes an~ not Perfons that they ,mull JUdge, what are they tfthey be no Perfons Caufes? Ifonly Cafes of DoCtrine and Confcience in gene.. ral, as .the Expounding hard Texts of ScriptUre, or Points ofDivinity ; This is not properly aJudiD d 4 ciary ~ . '