[ 41 ~ J _' then called General ; and did fo: But whonow iliall call one out ofFrance, Spain, Portug11J, Italy,, Germany, Britain, Denmark,., Sweden, PolAnd, Mof– covie, the Turkilh Empire, Armeni~, Georgia,Meit– f!.relia~ Tartary, Abaffia, Mexico, Peru, qhina, &eo We are awake , and therefore cannot Dream of Princes doing it by Agreement. We are yet our ofBedlam,and cannot conclude that ~ll th,e Bilhops in the World will come together by common· confent, or as the Atomifts fay. the World way made, bya fortuitous 'oncourfe ofAtomes. . ' 2. How £hall lawful Councils be known .from unlawful, if none have Authority to call, approve,. and difference them? If only ex faElis , by .their good or bad Deeds , half the World will Judge (as they have done and do) <ime Council to be fpurious which another obeyeth. , g. What order lhall ,be kept ·among them, if none have Authority to appoint the Place, the Time, to Prefide and Moderate, and to dilfolve them? and who pret.ends to this but the Pope ? 4 When Councils ContradiCt , Condemn and , Curfe each other, who lhall tell us whi<ih of them to receive, believe, and obey ? · II. And if we · muft have a vifiple Supreme · Power, we rnuft.have one that fuccefiively exift– eth, that the Church be not diifolved. And none pretendeth to this but the Pope. Ill•.And ifall National &.Patriarchal Churches · be but Parts of a vifible Catholick Church witha Humane Supremacy, then there mufc be fome Power frill exiftent to give Patriarchs and Mecro– politans their Power: Mr. Dodwe/1 faith it over– throws all Government to appeal to Scripture as , a Charter or Law of Chrift : ~ne bath more · than