[ 41~] than the Giver intended him: /Nonecan give that which he bath not to give. The Inferiot bath not Power to give to the Superior : Who then but a Pope can give Patriarchs and Metropolitans their Power ? If for want of Authoritative Collation of , Power, all the Presbyterian Ordin~tions, Sacra- - ments,. and Covenant-hopes of Salvation are Nul... lities and Sins againft the Holy Ghoft, as Mr. Dod- . well and his Tribe fay; what better are all the Bi· fhops and Archbiiliops for want ofaSuperior con– ferring Power ? which none pretendeth to but the Pope. · ' IV. And who elfe fhall judge Patriarchs, Me-– tropolitans , and National Churches, when they prove Hereticks or Schifmaticks? Their Herefie and Schifm is .far more heinous and dangerous . than lingle Perfons or Congregations. And Coun– cils are not extant : And w.e cannot fend all over the Earth to gather Biiliops Votes againft them unheard. It muft be aPope or no body on Earth, that muft by Governing Authority Judge them. V. And who elfe !hall be the fiated Judge of new fl:arted Controverfies ? You fay, fuch there mull: be ? fhall they be undecided till the World have a true general Council? . VI. And who fhall an injured Perfon appeal to from a Tyrannical Metropolitan or National ' Church, but to the Pope? , Many more clear Neceffities there )vill be ofa Pope on their Principles . I blamed the Author of the Divine ·Hierarchy, for naming fuch without: an Antidote, left it fhould make ·men Papills: But l underfiand ~he·isa worthy Protefiant : But verily there is no avoiding aPope, by any that a!lert an Vnit~er]aJ hnma.ne ChJJT&h SHprem;~cy" • . . V~