. [ 4I )' ] VII. Ana indeed I mufi not fuppofe them to immodefi: as to deny it. For it is but the Pope's Abfolute Power above the Councils and tfieir , Laws, and not Simple Popery, or tne Pope's li– mited Power that they deny. · 1. They confefs that they hold R~me for the Mifirifs <;:liurc~ , as Grotim calls it ; 2. And that the Pope IS Patriarch of the Weft, and the prime Patriarch : 3. And that he is PrincipiumVnitatu to all the Church on Earth : And ii fo~ they are out ofthe Church whith . is One, that deny this. 4· That he is authorized to call General Councils : 5. And to be their Pre- • fidenh 6. And to be the chief Governor when there are no General Councils, (and that is indeed always.) ·7. And that theyareaUSchifmaticks that ·do not thus far fubrnit to 'him. And how much more M·r. Dodwell giveth the Prefident, I have ibew.ed you in his own words. · · VJII. As Mt. Thorndik§ threateneth England with God's Judgments, if they do not amend the Oath of Supremacy, by making it acceptable tO ' the Papifis that renounce not a foreign Ecdelia– fi:ical Jurifdietion, fo others labour to prove tha~ the meaning of it is only to renounce the Pope's Jurifdietion here in Temporals which belongs to the King,and not a Papal and Foreign JurifdicHon, properly Ecclefiafiical by the Keys : As you may fee partly in Ivh·. Hutchinfon's alias Berry's Book, who on that Suppolition'took the-Oath, (as many do) and pubfickly profeft himfelf of the Cbur<;h of England. . · ' . IX. In the Defcription of the Reconciliation _ with the Pope, endeavoured hy Ai·chbiiliop Laud' in Heylin's Hifiory ofhis Life, Pag. 4I4? 415, &c. All that the Pope \Yas to abate was, r. That the · ()arhs . . -