Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

. (if.I7] , ~~ Wheth~r ft1ch aBargain be the wa.y w fa \re u~ from Popery ? . . . . . 7· What to call qr think9,f rho~ Atc~b.ifhops_; Bi(hops, .and Drs.that,are. fqr fuc~ ~ ~argain, . and for Silencing two Thot1fand fuch Minifrers as ' were Silenced:, and Ruining thofe that forfakci them not, and yet cry dGwn Popery, and a~c;ufcl thofe wbom they Silence, _ arid Ruine as befriend· ing it? Read_ers, Diq y~u think · rill~ Experi_enc~ told you that England had had fuch Clergy men? And do you no_t yet rinderftand them ? . LVIIJ. The· whole Chrifrian World ( oi· all the Earth ) is lefs capable of one Eccldiafdcal Monarc.h or Supreme- Adftocracy, than of one Civil Monarch~ ; . . . ) This is ealily proved to any that will rinder(tand . what Chun;h Government is. . . r. ChurchGovernment confifteth in judging of - the frate .of Mens Souls whether they_. are c_apable of Bap.tifm 1 and the Coinmuniori of Saints, and the Remiffion ofSin, and whecher their Profefii... ons pe fq f~pd~ in .~atter _a~d ~nderftood_ by, . them, and their praCtices fucli as lhew them capa~· bleor not ? And an outward matter of fact witn its dr~unjlances, wlikh M.a~1fir~tes Judge,. )s. fat!€r JUdgee _ ~fthan all this m the underfiandmg~ · Will and prachceJ · . . : , . . 2. It is about matters of fhpernati:iral Re'veta.:: t!on and heavenly Myfiery, whkfi is not fo eafiiY. knowq as Namraland <;ivil things.: . .' · 3. It is a work of perfonal ability and per for~ .formance, like a School~ma'fiers, or Phyfici_onsi and,(:;an Iefs be done ~Y d_elegation·.. . . _· .. . . . 4~ There is no- rule, or warrapt iri Sc.riptu'te for fl-l~h ~eleg~~ion, ~~~~h ~~:gifirates .may·ttfe! Ng!fr ' u.e . fo· -' ' '