[ 42r J which the Papitls French .Church is for; (un!efs there be any w·orfe in "the French Church-form than yet I kno.w of) , LX. We are further from denying or violating the Churclies Unity, than theyare that feign an l.lniverfal Humane Soveraigmy: Not cloth our oppolition to 1 Popery exclude our refolurion as much as in us lieth, to live peaceably wirh Papills, and with all men. I. We hold (as aforefaid) that all Chrifiians are united in One God, one Chrift the Soveraign, one Bocly of ·Chrifl, one Faith, one Baptifinal– Covenant with Chrift, one Spirit, one Hope of Grace and Glory; and rnufl: keep the Unity of the Spirit in the Bond of Peace: And that tfl Subjeets muH obey their Rulers and Pafto.rs inall – lawful things belonging to their Otlice to corn.; rnand and teach. And that as Particular Churches mu!l: be held for the Perfonal Communion of Saints; fo all rhefe Chu·rches muft by Meifengers, Letters and Synods hold fnch correfpondency,as the com– mon good of the Univerfal Church and their own firength and edification by the means of mu– tual COVNSEL and CONCORD do require. · II. Accordingly we make not Regem Senates or Courts of fuch Councils, to make Laws for theCbri!tian World: But they are li'ke· t'he At: femblies of pious Cbriilian P-rinces, who Hudy the Peace of the whole Chriltian World. Princes · are :bound fo to do as well as Panors : That they do not, proveth not that they ought not : Their Kingdoms are but parts of the Kingdmn of Clu·ill:. If they fhould hold an Aliembly in Eu– rope for the fupprefiing of ft.1ch a Herelie as threatoeth the whole, or fuch aTyrant as the ' ~" Ee 3 • Pope, ' ' ' .