Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ?42 1· ] £ty of fuch Corr€fpondency,than with Foreigners. And therefore the Councils in rhe fame Roman Empire had great reifon for their Decrees to avoid thofe Excommunicate by each other. And yet many Councils, even under the Papa– . ·CY decreed that -he that is unjufl:ly Excommuni– cate by one Biiliop may be received by another: . But that fuppofeth ·his tryal and proof of the Injury. . · , , · Ther.efore we come not fo near rl1e ,Univerfal Soyeraignty of ~ounciJs as J?r. Stiliingfteet in the Defence of A. B1lhop LaJld, tells us :baud whom rhe defended doth. Whowill have the old Coun– dls confelfed truly General, notwithfianding the abfence of the pxtra-Imperial Bifhops, 2. And will have fuch Councils to have been received (the Four firfi:) by all the' Chriftian World, \vhen it's known how many rejeCted that at Chalcedon. 3· And will have fuch Councils to be externally ·obeyed by patientfubmiffion when they notorio,tjly err, by all Chriftiam rill another Council as General and Free reverfe their Decrees.· 4· And will have them have fuch Obedience as aH ·Other CourtJ. . For meer Councils ofBilbop.;; of fevera'l Kingdoms arenoCourts, and have n6proper Jurifdietion. · , . Chap. II. . Why Parliaments and Archbijbop Abbot and the'Church ofEngland Antecedent f.o A. Bifoop Laud, were ag,ainfl the Dejign of Coalition witll Rome. - . . . .· , ... § L JT was not becaufe they were Enemies to Chriaian Concord, or .did not de!ire iron · Ee 4 • lawful