Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

. I [ 426 ] ting Biihops for Legillation all over t11e World? ' 9h that thefe Law-makers would keep Chriffs Laws? And if it be for mutable Circumfiances, is not .every Church 8r Couhtrey fufficient for {uch variable Determinations ? Mull: men come from the Antipodes, Ethiopia or Turky, to tell ine here what Cloaths I mull: wear , or what place or time I (hall Preach in, or what Tune to Sing in, &c. . . But if they mufi not meet , what Meffengers mull: be fent to .them all over the World toga– ther their Votes? .f:I:Ow fhall we be·. fure that they truly fi:ate all theCafes to them? And that they truly bring· us back their Judgments? And that thofe Judgments were truly pall: without hearing what could be faid againft them? And -is every ftngle Biawp infallible; or the Ma~rity only ? and how {hall it be known what the Majority faid ? And whither fhall all their colletl:ed Votes be car– ried, and to whom ?Is it to every Chrifiian, or to every Bi{hop? And hew many Ages will this t;equire ? . And if it be not for Legiflation but Judgment, if the Quefiion be whether .1.1. B. be a Heretick~ or c. D. be a Fornicator, &c. who i11all bear the Meffenget-s Charges that rnuft. 90. through the -World to all the Bifhops to decwe tt? And i11all the Caufe be tryed without witneffes, or hearing the defence of the accufed ? And mufl: the accu– {ed and witndfes go through all the World .? Reader, is it not a ibame to confute fuch Dreams? ~ Had not I tryed in with the Leading Men I 01ould · have taken him for a Slanderer that had faid chat anyEngli!h Dr. ana Bifuop ihould maintain th.a.t· the Collegium Pafiorum through the J!Vorld ~ 1s thilt