[ Lf 2 9] ' §7· ·vi. And they thoaght ir as unlawful t<> obey the Pope as .Patriarch of t,he Weft, or as Pre• fident with his Council ·, if he· impofed .on us the Mafs, or the Worfhip of Angels, DeadMen, or Images,or any new.Sacraments or unlawful things 1 as if he did it as above General Councils. §8. VII. And they made no doubt but if the Pope and his Foreign Councils (~nd all his. a~r~n·.: danc Trumpery) were once rece1ved as. Prtnctprum Vnitatu Vniverfalis and the Prefident of Councils, he would foon come in, in the fame Capacity that · other PopHh Countries do receive him. § 9· VIII. For they knew that it is that fame Man chat is more abfolute in Popilh Kingdoms, · who would fubmit ·to fome refiraint in this : And that by Poffeffion, Agents, and that foreign help, he would eafilier reduce\ this to the Cafe of others, than the Cafe of any others to this.. . § 10. IX. They had not lofi: the Remembrance of the Sparii!h Invafion; the Gunpowder Plot, and the many Treafons of lace by fuch committed ; and it made them fear both the Power and the Company of fuch a fort of men. . §I1. X. They remembred the heavy Ta'Xies,~ ·Oppreffions and the Rebellions and Wars that had been in the times of Popery in England. And they had felt the eafe and fweetnefs of Deliverance, and · were loth to return to that Captivity again. ; · I i.. XI They had not forgotten QQeen Ma... ries · Days ; Fox's Book of Martyrs was /in the ' hands ·of many : Nor had they forgot the French Ma!facre, or the greater Murders formerly corn~ . mitred by . Wolves in Sheep-skins, ·who were knp rvn:by their blQodyFangs and Jat,YS. § 13. j]!. ·_Th~y faw.thit the f.:u1e Clergymen , • who ,