Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ ~I J heard fpeak for themfelves , nor be acquainted with them that hear the report, this rnuft do the greacefi part of the work ; it cannot be probab>ly done without it : Perjury is a thing that I will not · meddle with. · XII. They mufi make ~he Diierences of Pro– tefiants as odious as they can, and make men be– lieve that they are running maq for want of Ca- ' tholick Government. and Unity , and · as a late, Book called An Addrefs,&c. cell them that lately there were an Hundred ~ndforty feveral Sects, (and if it be ·denied, it .is but proving fo many Complexions.) · XIII. Above all, they mufi far. nothing for the Pope' J;imfelf, but only for General Councils, advan-1 . cing their Honour by making odious all that they Condern1,1ed, and by the Reverence that Prote– fiams have exprefi to the beft as means of Con– cord: And they mufi be fure to confound Concord and Government, Communion and Subjeilion. · XIV. And they rnufi be fure to keep the Mini– fl:ry; partly in hope of Preferment, and pardy · in fervile Dependance, and fpecially to Corrupt· the Vn~rverfities, that part may be Ignorant and Vicious,and part ambitious Militants; And when once -all thefe have got into Church Livings, let the Diflikers get them out if they can·., XV. Some have ever found it of great ufe to , Altering-defigns, to reprefent all that are againfl: it as Rebellious , and make Rule-rs believe that they are their Enemies. And when our King here bath done fo much by the Aet of Oblivion, and advancing the late Duke of .Albemarle, and acknowIedging the Service 'Of him and his Army, and many others wqo forl\lerly fought agai.nft · h1m, •