Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

., " [ 5' )0 ] dam and Church ma-y yet be fo called, rhougl1not in. the fulleJl fence. ,For then tbe Laws being the J(mgs pubh::k voice, and rhe effect of a Power abov~ his own 4lone, by them tho' be be. a Papilt he RuJe.~h as a Pr.otefiant. But it is otberwife if his Cornmiilions (e~ g. to the French or Iri01 to Invade the Land)" be above La\.v, and rnay not be reGfied .on any pretence .whatfoever: So gtea.t a firefs lieth on this point ofConformity. ' . § 14. But I willlea\7e another cafe to the con– fiderarion ofothers. If Merropolitans,Ol: Primates, if Diocefans or Convocations, be the fomma Po– tcfta5, Eccle(iaftica, and a Church be truly Societai Politica, or governed; · Qu. Then what Rdigion was the Diocefan Church of ·. Gto~ce/l-er, while ~. Godf;ey Goodman .\vas Bi{hop? Or the Diocefan Churches of Eli, of lJ'orwich, of Oxford, ·&c. while· D.r. Guning, Dr. Sparr01v~ Dr. Parker, &c. were .B1111ops ? Or the Church of England and Ireland'} ' I while Dr. Lctud, Dr. Neale w~re here the M.ecro– policans, and Dr. Bron:hall Primate of Ireland. •I § 1 5. As .to the Learned Dr. ( now Bi fhop ) · Stillingfleet, that maketb the Church of England to · , have no vi!ibie Informing ConHitutive Head or Soveraign, bu~ w be Govetned by meer Con,fen t · ofmen ~greeing in a Convocation. repre,feming .. the wbole body, I am forry I have fa1d heretofore fo much againfi ir; as if the Confent of all Wri– ters .of Politicks regardable, had not been anfwer ' , enough, who agree chat ~11 Policick_bodies are dfentiated by the Pars lmperam, or fumma Potejf.:tJ, and the Pars {Ptbdita,as the ~.Materia difpojita: And I fo much honour the National Church of England,as , that I{lull not yet.grant( till it is further deformed) That It is no Politfcal Body, but a meer Confp4e~qtmg