Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ )) I J ting Con:munity:, , like a ·Gonfede;;acy of K ingdon'tfj But 1fever 1t come to th~t, you may fay, that when-the fame Land harh many forts ofConfecle.. rate Clergies, it Dath as many Churches ; and which is the befi, I think is notknown in. France, er SpttiJ?, or Italy, or here by the }4ajor Vnre; nor hath Na.ture ·put a Rulin'g Authority in- lUajor Votes of Lay or Clergy, as bornwith them,before .Contraa: give it them by Political Con11itution. .Airs well in Heaven: The Lord fit usJorir. Since the writing ofall this I have r.eed .Bilhop ' Stillingfleet's excellent Charge to his Clergy; ·, which would give me hope not. only ofthe conti– nuanceofthe Proteftant Reformation here, bu·t alfoof fucha further Reforma-tion as may procure out· Concord, or. at, Iaft. move the Law-makers, fo far to amend the Ac1 of Uniformity as may pro– cure it ; were it not thatJhe deluge.of ~he wick– ednefs in City and Countrey, and the paucity of. Men ·qualified for-his' defcribed Work, an~ the Power and Number of the Enemies of it, maketh me fear that it will die as unpraeticable fingularity. · ' But I humbly recommend to the Clergy tht re- · gard efpecially of rhefe paffages 'in it.· I. Pag. I z. 'Thofe that have the fm.allefi Cures ·~re .called ·~ PASTORS, and Linwbod notes that Parochi'alw c ·Sacerdor.didtur 'fJ a{for, aod that not only by way ' .ofAllufion, but in refpect to the G:ure of Souls ; 'but .we neednot go fo far b~ck: What .are..they ' admitted to? Is it not ad Curam Animarum ?.J I Ask Or. Fuller Dean of Lincoln, then, Whet her tt · b~ Mu,ifteriat Truth to publifh that P41·ochus wa:r never