Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 59 ] othe1;s ufe towards you. J.II. That you wifl open:, ly and faithfully difown the dangerous Err our of Univerfal Legifbtive and Judicial Soveraignty; aQd bringing the I\ing, and Church, and Kingdom under any Forreign Jurifdid:ion, Monarchical,Ari– fiocratical or !v1ixt ; and never fiigmatize the Church of England and your , facred Order with the odious brand of Perfidioufne[s, after fo many lmpofed and Received Subfcriptions, Profeffions and Oaths, againfi all Endeavottrs to alter the Go– vernment of Church or State. XVII. And as to the Nations fears of future PopHh Soveraignty, for my part I meddle no fur– ther than 1. To do tbe work ofmy own Office and Day, 2. And' to pray bar fot the Nations Ptefervation, 3· And to trufi God, and hope that he will perfect his wonders in fuch a deliverance 1 as lhall confirm our belief of his fpecial care and providence for his Church. , But I mufi tell you that fuch Reafons as Biibop Gunihgs Chaplains , iliould no! be thought firong enough to make you fo fecute, as to abate the fer– vour ofyour prayers. His words are thefe (more congrum:s far tq him ~ than to you and me) page 282, 283. ["The only means thatu left to pre~ ' "ferve our Nation from deftrullion, and to {tcure m "from the danger of Pcper_y, is to Jupprefs all Con- " venticles, &c.- Being by this method provided " againft having our People feduced by the Papifts, ''which as yet they are in great danger of--thenexi "thing u to.confider how to prevent violence,tht? t thofe· " be not mu'rdered and 1mdone that cannot be pet·- " frvaded to fubmit. l\ft,w to fecure this, His Jl.1aj c[tes ~' graciom promifes to confirm any Bills that 1vert "thot-sght necejfary to pre[er1x. the E{tab!ifl:ed Reli~ 0 " . 4 t_JOnJJ e I