[>si] · i/)~r ctilled pdfliJt, tiii ihe delira'iioit ofthii n1i the for~ mer Age.] · ··u. Pag. 1.5. ["I hope they are now convin.. ·" ·ced that the Perfecucioh which they ~omplain..o "ed lately, fo much of, was carriedon.by odaeJ! · ~' Men, and for other defigns, than they Would ~'then feem to believe. ] · I am glad that youare conyinced of ic. You ar.e mifiaken in us; we believed it ever fince 166o. But we know that it was She/doli, Morley, . Guning, Hinchm4n, Sparrow, and many more fuch that were thegreat Agents of it, in Cow·c, Con· vocation, and Parliament. )I thank y'Ou for difownirig ~it. . . . . . -. Ill. I rejoice to find it proved, Pag. 37. that The Bijhop is judge·of the fimefs of any Clerftprefem~ td to a Benefice,] . which as it puts us in fome (faint) hopes for the future, fo for the time pafi: it tells the Bi!hops whofe theguilt is of the Infiitution of all the uncapable Clergy. - IV... Pag. 40. He. proveth that Vifications lhould be Parochial. V. He comfortably purpofeth -to reduce Con– firmation to its true ufe : And tells Minifters their Duty of Certifying the Receivers fitqefs. VI. In a word, I intre~t the Reader to corn. pare this Char.ge, with the ViGtation Articles of Siiliop Wren , Pierce, and fuch others, and .the -charge ag'ainfl: them in Parliament, and obferve 'the diff~rence, and be t~aokful foo fo mu,h. .April 3. I6gt, . F 1 NI S. ·.; .· ; - I , - .. ' ~·