Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

[ 6~ ] . 3·· If tbefe Oaths be finful, why were they im.: ·pofed ? Shall the fame Men urge all to take th~m, and then fay , You may break them as bemg finful? . 4· le is not finful to Swear Loyalty and Self– defence againft foreign Enemies or Ufurpers. Obj. 2. Luther and your other Reformers broke their Vow ofChafiity and Obedience to the Pope, and defended it. Anfw. 1. You think they did ill, and will that jufiifie you ? ' 2. To obey a Pope , that is by Ufurpation a Vice-Chrifi, or King of all the World, is a great Si.n, and they that Swear it, a~e no more bound to it, than they that Swear Murder or Treafon. And the Vow of CbaHity becomes unlawful to thofe that have not the Power of Continence. But for thofe that !had , let them jufiifie them from Perjury that can : I cannot. . 3. The Perjury of a few Individuals, and of a Kingdom, vaftly differ. · 4· They took that Oath in ignorance, think– ing they had· done well. But thofe that I now (peak to, at once reviled them that took it not, and did their bell: to lay it on all the Land, and · yet were then for a Eorejgn Jurifdiction, and de· figned or delired that all that took it might after break it. But thefe Objectors iliew us that there is no Sin fo odious and inhumane, which Learned and Re– , verend Men may not plead for , under a Name and Mask of Virtue, Loyalty , Piety , and the Churches Good and Service. Obj. The Laws may repeal thefe Oaths. .Anfw. ,