Baxter - BX1765 B39 1691

• [ 8o j '{lopped by the Scots ftrft in t'heir own Countrey, next' ' in Engiand, to carry on his great defign ~ak§s ~he 'lrifh PPpijhs by the hand ratht r than be alrvay dif– ' appointed, .and they willingly underta~ to levy Arms 'for his Service, that is, for ,the R?mifh Caufe, the 'Kings defign being (ubjervient to the RFJman Caufe, ' though he ab1-t[ed think! otherwi/e, and believes that ' Rome ferveth to his purpofe: But trJ begin the war~ 'they mu(t mak§ (t4re of all the Proteft,ants, if they 'cannot otherwife by Murdering and Ma.ffacring ' them - p. I 9· The next recour(e was to the I– ' ri(h Papifls, his good Friends, to nihom from Scot– ' land a Commi!Jion is diJPatched under the Great Sea4 ' (which Seal w.u. at that inflant time in the Kings 'own Cufl-ody) of that Kingdom to hafl-en according 'io former agreement, the raijing of the Irijh in Arms ~who no fooner recehe this new Order but thn break '.f) ut, &c. ] And I am not willing to believe this. . A report fo dithonourable to the King, his Life, his Arms, his Death, and to all that fought for him, that the·Fifth Commandment forbids us to believe it, though the Scots ihould fay, 'They faw the Sealed Commiffions: Yea though I had ' feen them m~ felf; feeing it is poffible for the Iri{h to Counterfeit the Scots Broad Seal. . But by this it appearetl1 what wrong the King had by the Iriib boaftingof his Commiffion, and the Papifis pretending eo more countenance than he gave them. § 4· Andas 'the faid R. Bia1opoDVinchefler was , confident they llandered the Dutchefs ofYorldnher Life,fo he conjettureth that the Jefuit Maimbrough bath done Gnce her death, and that fome of them devifed the Confeffion which he printeth as hers;., \vhich he profe!fetb to ·-beJaife as ·t@ the accufation of himfelf. The words of Maimbrough tranihted are thele. A