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94 A CALL TO what you must for ever suffer, because you will not turn? and to think what an everlasting life of glory you wilfully despise and cast away? What sadder thing can you bring to their hearts, and how can you devise to grieve them more? Who is it then that you please by your sin and death? It is none of your understanding godly friends. Alas, it is the grief of their souls to see your misery, and they lament you many a time when you give them little thanks for it, and when you have not hearts to lament yourselves. Who is it then that takes pleasure in your sin? It is none but three great enemie.'3 of God, whom you renounced in your baptism, and now are turned falsely to serve. 1. The devil indeed takes pleasure in your sin and death: for this is the very end of all his temptations; for this he watches night and day; you cannot devise to please him better than to go on in sin. How glad is he when he sees thee going into the alehouse, or other sin, and when he heareth thee curse, or swear, or rail? How, glad is he when he heareth thee revile the minister that would draw thee from thy sin, and help to save thee? These are his delight. 2. The wicked are also delighted in it; for it is agreeable to their nature. 3. But I know, for all this, that it is not the pleasmg of the devil, that you intend, even when you please him; but it is your own flesh, the greatest and most dangerous enemy, that you intend to please. It is the flesh that would be pampered, that would be pleased in meat, and drink, and clothing; that would be pleased in your company, and pleased in applause and credit with the world, and pleased in sports, and lusts, and idleness ; this is the gulf that devoureth all. This is the very god that you serve, for the scripture saith of such, that their bellies are their gods. Phi!. iii. 19. But I beseech you stay a little and consider the business. 1. . Question. Should your flesh be befor(}