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116 A CALL TO est earthly misery; all these are of no consideration to draw a man in reason to the committing of one sin. If it were a right hand or a right eye that would hinder your salvation, it is the most gainful way to cast it away, rather than to go to hell to save it; for there is no saving a part when you lose the whole. So exceedingly great are the matters of eternity, that nothing in this world deserveth once to be named in comparison with them; nor can any earthly thing, though it were life, or crowns, or kingdoms, be a reasonable excuse for the neglect of matters of · such high and everlasting consequence. A man can have no reason to cross his ultimate end. Heaven is such a thing, that if you lose it, nothing can supply the want or make up the loss; and hell is such a thing, that ifyou suffer it, nothing can;remove your misery, or give you ease and comfort; and therefore nothing can be a valuable consideration to excuse you for neglecting your own salvation; for, saith our Saviour, "What shall it profit a man if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?" Mark, viii. 36. I 0 sirs, that you did but know what matters they are that we are now speaking to you of! you would have other kind of thoughts of these things. If the devil could come to them, the saints in heaven, that live in the sight. and love of God, and should offer them sensual pleasures, or merry company, or sports to entice them away fi·om God and glory, I pray you tell me, how do you think they would ~ntertain the motion? Nay, or if he should offer them to be kings on the earth, do you think this would entice them down from heaven? 0 with what hatred and holy scorn would they reject the motion! And why should not you do so, that have heaven opened to your faith, ifyou had but faith to see it? There is never a soul in hell, but knows, by this time, that it was a mad exchange to let go heaven for fleshly pleasure; and that it is not a little mirth or pleasure, or worldly riches, or honour, or the good will or word of men, that will quench hell fire, or make hirp. a gainer that