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THE UNCONVERTED. 121 4. And whereas you say that these matters ~re too high for us; you accuse God himself, for making this our work, and giving us his word, and commanding all that will be blessed to meditate on it day and night.-Are the matters which we are made for, and which we live for, too high for us to meddle with? This is plainly to unman us, and to make beasts of us, as if we were like them that must meddle with no higher matters than what belongs to flesh and earth. If heaven be too high for you to think on and provide for, it will be too high for you ever to possess. 5. If God should sometimes suffer any weak-headed persons to be distracted by thinking of eternal things, this is because they misunderstand them, and run without a guide: ai1d of the two I had rather be in the case of such a one, than of the mad unconverted world, that take their distraction to be their wisdom. Object. S. I do not think that God cares so much what men think, or speak, or do, as to make so great a matter of it. .B.nsw. It seems then you take the word of God to be false; then what will you believe? But your own reason might teach you better, if you believe not the Scriptures : for you see God sets not so light by us but that he vouchsafed to make us, and still preserveth us, and daily upholdeth us, and provideth for us; and will any wise man make a curious frame for nothing? Will you make or buy a clock or watch, ancLdaily look at it, and not care whether it go true or false? Surely, if you believe not a particular eye of Providence observing your hearts and lives,. you cannot believe or expect any particular Providence to observe your wants and troubles, or to relieve you; and if God had so little care for you as you imagine, you would never have lived till now; a hundred diseases would have striven which should first destroy you; yea, the devils would have haunted you, and fetched you away alive, as the great 11